Asking questions to develop

Immy reflects on how asking ‘stupid’ questions has helped her to develop.

It was recently National Ask a Stupid Question Day, and I couldn’t help but think about all the things I’ve learnt by having the courage to ask (what others might perceive as) ‘stupid’ questions.

This day was originally set aside in America, created by teachers as a way to grant their students the chance to ask them any questions they like, without fear of judgement. This day is also a great opportunity for us to reflect on our mindset when it comes to asking questions, especially the ones we wouldn’t usually dare to ask!

Asking these ‘stupid’ questions is so important, as it can open our minds to new perspectives and different ways of doing things, especially when it’s a question we’d usually refrain from asking. They can also open up conversations, leading us to solutions that we wouldn’t have thought of if the conversation hadn’t been taken along a different track. In meetings or discussions, opening up the space by saying, “No question or idea is a stupid one” means creativity can flow more easily throughout the team, creating unique ideas and driving rare conversations.

Two Hands Making A Lightbulb

I love to ask questions, no matter how ‘stupid’ someone else may perceive them because it means I’m always learning. I’ve found that I’ve learnt a lot around the office about bunch members’ jobs and daily tasks that I wouldn’t have otherwise. Just the other day I learnt a lot from Tracy when I asked about the different financial tasks she carries out day-to-day, which was really cool! I can then apply this knowledge to all sorts of things, both in my personal life and throughout my career.

I also like to ask others ‘stupid’ questions about themselves or their lives, as it’s a great way to break the ice and get to know each other even better. I love how their answers can help me see them in a different light and open up conversations from the usual ‘boring’ stuff. This can even lead to a shared laugh or two!

Here are some great ways I’ve learnt to fully embrace asking ‘stupid’ questions:

  • adopt an open and growth mindset, as when you can accept anything others can teach you, your knowledge and expertise will increase
  • find the courage to ask these questions, as it’ll really help you in the long term
  • ignore other people’s judgements (they’re probably not even judging you), as they may have just been too scared to ask themselves

What’s a ‘stupid’ question you could ask today?

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